wild wellbeing for organisations
If you are looking to treat your team to something a little different, then you have come to the right place. Wild for Life can offer your organisation the opportunity to take part in an array of bespoke workshops which use nature and the outdoors as a catalyst for positive employee wellbeing.
We also offer organisations the opportunity to sponsor our My Wild Life programme in schools - a fantastic way make a positive impact on children's social and emotional development as well as support your Corporate Social Responsibility agenda. Read on for more information.
Our Wild Wellbeing Workshops aim to bring teams together in an invigorating and relaxing outdoor environment or a venue of your choice to take part in a series of inspiring and fun nature-led workshops which focus on personal and team well-being.
We have worked with public and private sector organisations, charities, schools and more to deliver workshops which are engaging, relaxing, inspiring or adventurous activities that meet team's requirements.
We can incorporate craft, cooking, foraging and sensory activities into your event and can include locally sourced refreshments and gifts.
If you think your team deserves a treat and time together to focus on wellbeing, please do get in touch.

wild wellbeing workshops
If you are an organisation which is interested in finding inclusive ways to support the education and mental health and wellbeing of children nationwide as a part of your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) agenda, look no further.
Wild for Life is searching for organisations big and small to sponsor its innovative learning programme, MY WILD LIFE, which has been developed to improve engagement in education as well as the positive mental health and emotional development of primary aged children in schools across the UK. The programme also encourages children to embrace, challenge, explore and respect the social and environmental world around them.
We can create flexible, cost effective and impactful sponsorship packages that meet the requirements of your business and CSR strategy, as well as deliver the type of support that you wish to provide to children and educational provisions.
If you would like to find out more, visit our My Wild Life page or click here to download our Corporate Sponsorship brochure.