things you need
A tent or shelter
Sleeping bag
Food, water and supplies for overnight stay.
Optional: a stargazing app or book which includes start constellations.
For a magical stay underneath the stars, it is crucial that a location is chosen which is at some sort of elevation, clear of any tree-line, as well as a cloud-free sky.
To see life in space in its true glory, you’ll have to be prepared for a late-night as it won’t be dark until gone 10pm!

look out for
Search for The Plough – the easily identifiable constellation which looks like a saucepan…follow the end and you’ll reach the North Star.
If you follow the curve of the Plough’s handle you will eventually arrive at Arcturus, which can help you join up the northern and southern sky.
On a particularly dark summer’s night, look out for our galaxy, the Milky Way. The Milky Way is a flat spiral, but from our perspective, it looks like a bright band across the sky.
Full moons fall on the 24th of July and the 22nd of August this Summer.

Stargazing is a great opportunity to discuss hopes and dreams.
What would we like to do if we had the universe in our hands?
How can we reach the stars? Perhaps you could make a wish on a shooting star.
Watching the stars emerge as the sky darkens is a hypnotic and mesmerising activity that promotes focus and togetherness at the moment.