who are the kits for?
Kits are aimed at children in Early years, KS1 and KS2 and can be used as a 1:1 resource, for small nurture groups and for children with SEND who perhaps can’t access the curriculum in a classroom environment.
Many of the activities are designed to meet the needs of young people with SEND.
An intervention for Pupil Premium children.
As a 1:1 resource they offer an opportunity to personalise the activities to the specific child and their needs.
for children with send
We believe that children with SEND should have the same opportunities and access to opportunities and resources as their peers and that is why our kits have been designed to be suitable for children with a range of SEND needs.
We understand that children with SEND have can be supported better if thought is given to the way their curriculum is delivered and presented.
That is why our kits focus on using a broad range of sensory activities, the children’s guide uses a step by step approach and the activities explore opportunities to work with others in small groups using nature as the common thread.
According to Andrew Colley from the University of East London,
The potential for outdoor education to foster independence is particularly beneficial for SEN students, “Giving SEN students that feeling of space, and the sensory stimulation that comes with being outdoors, is absolutely vital.”
With a higher number of young people diagnosed with SEND than ever before Ofsted have been shining a light on school provisions for children with SEND.
The My Wild Life programme enable schools to support children with SEND in a way that is immediately accessible ( just pick it off the shelf) and provides a full range of activities that link directly to some of the areas of the curriculum that SEND children struggle to engage with.
The SEN Code of practice suggests 4 broad areas of need that schools should plan for:
Communication and interaction
Mental health difficulties.
The kits provide support in all of these areas.
There is an assessment sheet in the kit to complete an assessment of the child at that moment in time and to then focus on the areas of greatest need, by tailoring the activities within the kit to meet those specific outcomes.
The assessment tool enables key areas to be prioritised to support the individual needs of that child at that time and also provides the resources to deliver meaningful activities to support change.
The kit provides the opportunity for the child to also assess their own progress and reflect on the activities as they are completed.
Children with SEND are supported via an easy to follow guide providing step by step instructions in pictures and words, for each activity.
The kits contain a range of sensory activities and encourage open conversations linked to self expression of feelings and emotions. The same kits are provided to children without SEND and so SEND children don’t feel marginalised.
Kits focus on healthy relationships, feeling safe and valued and making friends through completing activities with others.
SEND children will really enjoy some of the more practical activities that involve getting outside and creating and making. They will also love the personalised gift of a kit that is their own and they can decorate and use throughout the half term.
Providing the kits to children with SEND benefits their own growth and progression in a supported way whilst providing evidence to external agencies of areas to work on, progress to date and positive next steps.
working 1:1 with children
There are all kinds of reasons why a young person may be working on a 1:1 basis with a teacher, but whether this is planned or happens at the last minute, The My Wild Life Programme enablse teachers or Sencos to confidently pick a kit from the shelf and dive straight into a meaningful and engaging activity.
Teachers can support children by working through the contents of the kit, knowing that they are supporting their emotional as well as educational needs and working towards Ofsted requirements for those on pupil premium.
The assessment tool can help teachers to focus on the priority needs for that child and the activities and extensions are easily tailored and can be completed by a child 1 on 1.
nurture groups
Most schools have now introduced Nurture Groups to help children who need a little extra support in their learning.
These kits are ideal in supporting children to identify how they are feeling and how they express their emotions. They can also help to build resilience, develop friendships and to enable children to discover the wider world through activities that inspire with awe and wonder.
The kits ideally suit a half term of nurture group activities with the following example of how it could be used:
Week 1: Assessment week
Complete your webs of wellbeing, read the story together and begin to discuss change. If time, children can personalise and decorate their boxes.
Week 2: Activity 1
Complete an activity together and reflect using the Ready to Soar assessment tool at the end.
Week 3: Activity 2
Complete an activity together and reflect using the REady to Soar assessment tool at the end.
Week 4: Activity 3
Complete an activity together and reflect using the Ready to Soar assessment tool at the end.
Week 5: Activity 4
Complete an activity together and reflect using the Ready to Soar assessment tool at the end.
Week 6:
revisit the web of wellbeing which was created on change at the beginning of term. How do they rate themselves now? What have they understood about change? Draw a picture or write something to reflect how they feel now. If time, complete an extension activity.